Buncee - iKeepSafe
Buncee LLC
COPPA Safe Harbor

Buncee is an easy-to-use, interactive platform for all of your school’s creation needs. Using Buncee, educators and students can create and publish their own authentic and creative work, fostering 21st century skills, including creativity, communication, critical thinking and collaboration. Buncee empowers students of all ages and abilities to visualize and voice their thoughts and ideas, as well as document their mastery of learning standards in a fun, engaging way! With a wealth of opportunities for creating and sharing, our tool also benefits educators and administrators, as well as their students. Educators use the tool to develop visually engaging and interactive classroom content that supports learning and instruction in countless ways. School and district administrators lean on Buncee to brand and communicate district successes, as well as develop community outreach materials. With unlimited possibilities for bringing learning to life, Buncee is a powerful solution for all users across the schoolhouse.

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