Research has proven that K-12 students around the nation face specific online risks by engaging with their digital devices. iKeepSafe has documented all of these known offenses by gathering credible, academic research from:
This includes research conducted by Rochester Institute of Technology that identified the offenses 40,000 New York students in grades K through 12 experienced from wireless and internet connected devices. After verifying the known list of risks and offenses, iKeepSafe worked with Center on Media and Child Health at Boston Children’s hospital to translate the known risks into a framework of positive concepts.
The Youth/Parent Fireside materials empower community, religious, and/or youth group leaders with everything they need to prepare a meaningful presentation about digital citizenship. It is a free download that includes visual aids, a detailed script, and hand-outs focused on the BEaPRO™ acronym.
Our hope is that by providing these resources, families and communities will be better equipped to define success for youth online and to help them implement tools and habits that prepare their children to be ethical, responsible and resilient digital citizens.
The Guidance for Safe & Healthy Use of Technology – Parent/Youth Fireside Chat document provides all instructions and activities for leaders/parents to hold a meeting with youth.
Download the Guidance for Safe & Healthy Use of Technology – Parent/Youth Fireside Chat PDF below: