K12 school districts across the country have shifted to remote learning for the remainder of the year to increase “social distancing” and to help slow down the outbreak of COVID-19—the disease caused by exposure to the new coronavirus. As a result, many teachers may be left frantically looking for new online educational learning platforms and apps that they can use to supplement their teaching.
Our mission at iKeepSafe is to provide a safe digital landscape for children, schools, and families by supporting the protection of student data privacy, while advancing learning in a digital culture. We provide data privacy certifications to technology companies, educational resources to schools, and information to the community. We know teachers are stretched thin, and we are here to support them.
Our library of certified products is an easy to navigate, alphabetical list. It features products that have been assessed by iKeepSafe and are recognized as compliant with the federal regulations FERPA and COPPA, and multiple state privacy laws. (Find out about our stringent technology assessment process here) We have done the heavy lifting to make it easy for you to identify apps, software, websites, tools and more—all of which meet our rigorous standards.
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