iKeepSafe Client Data Privacy Training Recordings - iKeepSafe

iKeepSafe Client Data Privacy Training Recordings

 iKeepSafe Client Trainings

As part of your iKeepSafe Certification benefits, your employees who have access to user data are invited to participate in our FERPA and COPPA training programs.   

We realize that it is sometimes difficult to participate in live trainings, so we now provide recordings of our past FERPA and COPPA live trainings for your team to view at their convenience.

Each training, recorded live by data privacy expert and past iKeepSafe President Holly Hawkins, includes an overview of why the data privacy regulations were introduced, details of what the regulations cover, how to comply, and how they are enforced.

After viewing the trainings, please email us so we can update our records with this part of your data privacy compliance requirements.

If your team has questions pertaining to your specific technology product with regards to the content of the trainings, we’re happy to set up a Q&A call with one of our data privacy assessors.

iKeepSafe COPPA Client Training

iKeepSafe FERPA Client Training

COPPA Safe Harbor California Student Privacy Certified ATLIS Certified
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